Walking on the roof bridge is safe even in extreme weather conditions. This is safe solution to get an access to skylight, chimney, ventilation pipes to be cleaned or HVAC equipment.
Roof Bridge Universal
Material |
hot Zinc galvanized steel |
Coating |
powder-coated 65 micron |
Thickness of roof bridge |
1.2 mm |
Thickness of brackets |
2.0 mm |
Width of roof bridge |
400 mm / 15.75” |
Working width of roof bridge |
360 mm / 14” |
Maximum distance between brackets |
800 mm / 31” |
Profile |
Item | Quantity |
Standing seam roof bridge 360 / 1.2 or 2.5 m | 1 |
Bracket | 3 |
Upper support of roof bridge | 3 |
Attach hardware
Item | Quantity |
Screw 8х50 | 6 |
Bolt М8х16 | 12 |
Screw nut М8 | 12 |
EPDM washer | 6 |
Plastic bung | 3 |
Snow Guards Calculator
Once your order has been placed, our shipping department will have your order out the door and on it's way to you within 2-7 business days depending on your location and the location of the item. You will receive an email confirmation once your order has been shipped with the tracking number so you can follow it right to your door. In the case of a back order on your order, we will notify you and let you know the estimated time for your items to arrive.
Please note that if a product you order from SafeRoofExperts.com is defective, we will pay all costs for the return shipment and any replacement shipment. However, if you change your mind about the product, you will be billed the cost of both the outbound and return shipments. We will deduct these costs from your refund once the item is returned to us. and then ship out.

Smaller items (clamps, for example): Your order will be shipped via FedEx or UPS. Delays vary based on location, usually between 2 and 7 business days. A tracking number will be provided for every order.
Larger items (sets of snow guards): All orders containing oversized or heavy or fragile item will be shipped with one of our specialized transport company. Delays vary, usually between 5 and 10 days for all Canadian provinces and United States.
The transport company will call you to set up a delivery date and a time window, whenever possible.

There are many ways you can choose to pay for your order. All transactions are 100% safe, and the data is secured by robust fraud-prevention system so that you do not need to worry about the safety of your data. There are payment options for cash as well as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Interac, e-transfer.
RAL Color Chart
RAL | Deutsch | English | Français | Español | Italiano | Nederlands |
RAL 1000 | Grünbeige | Green beige | Beige vert | Beige verdoso | Beige verdastro | Groenbeige |
RAL 1001 | Beige | Beige | Beige | Beige | Beige | Beige |
RAL 1002 | Sandgelb | Sand yellow | Jaune sable | Amarillo arena | Giallo sabbia | Zandgeel |
RAL 1003 | Signalgelb | Signal yellow | Jaune de sécurité | Amarillo señales | Giallo segnale | Signaalgeel |
RAL 1004 | Goldgelb | Golden yellow | Jaune or | Amarillo oro | Giallo oro | Goudgeel |
RAL 1005 | Honiggelb | Honey yellow | Jaune miel | Amarillo miel | Giallo miele | Honinggeel |
RAL 1006 | Maisgelb | Maize yellow | Jaune maïs | Amarillo maiz | Giallo polenta | Maisgeel |
RAL 1007 | Narzissengelb | Daffodil yellow | Jaune narcisse | Amarillo narciso | Giallo narciso | Narcissengeel |
RAL 1011 | Braunbeige | Brown beige | Beige brun | Beige pardo | Beige marrone | Bruinbeige |
RAL 1012 | Zitronengelb | Lemon yellow | Jaune citron | Amarillo limón | Giallo limone | Citroengeel |
RAL 1013 | Perlweiß | Oyster white | Blanc perlé | Blanco perla | Bianco perla | Parelwit |
RAL 1014 | Elfenbein | Ivory | Ivoire | Marfil | Avorio | Ivoorkleurig |
RAL 1015 | Hellelfenbein | Light ivory | Ivoire clair | Marfil claro | Avorio chiaro | Licht ivoorkleurig |
RAL 1016 | Schwefelgelb | Sulfur yellow | Jaune soufre | Amarillo azufre | Giallo zolfo | Zwavelgeel |
RAL 1017 | Safrangelb | Saffron yellow | Jaune safran | Amarillo azafrán | Giallo zafferano | Saffraangeel |
RAL 1018 | Zinkgelb | Zinc yellow | Jaune zinc | Amarillo de zinc | Giallo zinco | Zinkgeel |
RAL 1019 | Graubeige | Grey beige | Beige gris | Beige agrisado | Beige grigiastro | Grijsbeige |
RAL 1020 | Olivgelb | Olive yellow | Jaune olive | Amarillo oliva | Giallo olivastro | Olijfgeel |
RAL 1021 | Rapsgelb | Colza yellow | Jaune colza | Amarillo colza | Giallo navone | Koolzaadgeel |
RAL 1023 | Verkehrsgelb | Traffic yellow | Jaune signalisation | Amarillo tráfico | Giallo traffico | Verkeersgeel |
RAL 1024 | Ockergelb | Ochre yellow | Jaune ocre | Amarillo ocre | Giallo ocra | Okergeel |
RAL 1026 | Leuchtgelb | Luminous yellow | Jaune brillant | Amarillo brillante | Giallo brillante | Briljantgeel |
RAL 1027 | Currygelb | Curry | Jaune curry | Amarillo curry | Giallo curry | Kerriegeel |
RAL 1028 | Melonengelb | Melon yellow | Jaune melon | Amarillo melón | Giallo melone | Meloengeel |
RAL 1032 | Ginstergelb | Broom yellow | Jaune genêt | Amarillo retama | Giallo scopa | Bremgeel |
RAL 1033 | Dahliengelb | Dahlia yellow | Jaune dahlia | Amarillo dalia | Giallo dahlien | Dahliageel |
RAL 1034 | Pastellgelb | Pastel yellow | Jaune pastel | Amarillo pastel | Giallo pastello | Pastelgeel |
RAL 1035 | Perlbeige | Pearl beige | Beige nacré | Beige perlado | Beige perlato | Parelmoergrijs |
RAL 1036 | Perlgold | Pearl gold | Or nacré | Oro perlado | Oro perlato | Parelmoergoud |
RAL 1037 | Sonnengelb | Sun yellow | Jaune soleil | Amarillo sol | Giallo sole | Zonnegeel |
RAL 2000 | Gelborange | Yellow orange | Orangé jaune | Amarillo naranja | Arancio giallastro | Geeloranje |
RAL 2001 | Rotorange | Red orange | Orangé rouge | Rojo anaranjado | Arancio rossastro | Roodoranje |
RAL 2002 | Blutorange | Vermilion | Orangé sang | Naranja sanguineo | Arancio sanguigno | Vermiljoen |
RAL 2003 | Pastellorange | Pastel orange | Orangé pastel | Naranja pálido | Arancio pastello | Pasteloranje |
RAL 2004 | Reinorange | Pure orange | Orangé pur | Naranja puro | Arancio puro | Zuiver oranje |
RAL 2005 | Leuchtorange | Luminous orange | Orangé brillant | Naranja brillante | Arancio brillante | Briljant oranje |
RAL 2007 | Leuchthellorange | Luminous bright orange | Orangé clair rillant | Naranja claro brillante | Arancio chiaro brillante | Briljant lichtoranje |
RAL 2008 | Hellrotorange | Bright red orange | Orangé rouge clair | Rojo claro anaranjado | Rosso arancio chiaro | Licht roodoranje |
RAL 2009 | Verkehrsorange | Traffic orange | Orangé signalisation | Naranja tráfico | Arancio traffico | Verkeersoranje |
RAL 2010 | Signalorange | Signal orange | Orangé de sécurité | Naranja señales | Arancio segnale | Signaaloranje |
RAL 2011 | Tieforange | Deep orange | Orangé foncé | Naranja intenso | Arancio profondo | Dieporanje |
RAL 2012 | Lachsorange | Salmon range | Orangé saumon | Naranja salmón | Arancio salmone | Zalmoranje |
RAL 2013 | Perlorange | Pearl orange | Orangé nacré | Naranja perlado | Arancio perlato | Parelmoeroranje |
RAL 3000 | Feuerrot | Flame red | Rouge feu | Rojo vivo | Rosso fuoco | Vuurrood |
RAL 3001 | Signalrot | Signal red | Rouge de sécurité | Rojo señales | Rosso segnale | Signaalrood |
RAL 3002 | Karminrot | Carmine red | Rouge carmin | Rojo carmin | Rosso carminio | Karmijnrood |
RAL 3003 | Rubinrot | Ruby red | Rouge rubis | Rojo rubí | Rosso rubino | Robijnrood |
RAL 3004 | Purpurrot | Purple red | Rouge pourpre | Rojo purpura | Rosso porpora | Purperrood |
RAL 3005 | Weinrot | Wine red | Rouge vin | Rojo vino | Rosso vino | Wijnrood |
RAL 3007 | Schwarzrot | Black red | Rouge noir | Rojo negruzco | Rosso nerastro | Zwartrood |
RAL 3009 | Oxidrot | Oxide red | Rouge oxyde | Rojo óxido | Rosso ossido | Oxyderood |
RAL 3011 | Braunrot | Brown red | Rouge brun | Rojo pardo | Rosso marrone | Bruinrood |
RAL 3012 | Beigerot | Beige red | Rouge beige | Rojo beige | Rosso beige | Beigerood |
RAL 3013 | Tomatenrot | Tomato red | Rouge tomate | Rojo tomate | Rosso pomodoro | Tomaatrood |
RAL 3014 | Altrosa | Antique pink | Vieux rose | Rojo viejo | Rosa antico | Oudroze |
RAL 3015 | Hellrosa | Light pink | Rose clair | Rosa claro | Rosa chiaro | Lichtroze |
RAL 3016 | Korallenrot | Coral red | Rouge corail | Rojo coral | Rosso corallo | Koraalrood |
RAL 3017 | Rosé | Rose | Rosé | Rosa | Rosato | Bleekrood |
RAL 3018 | Erdbeerrot | Strawberry red | Rouge fraise | Rojo fresa | Rosso fragola | Aardbeirood |
RAL 3020 | Verkehrsrot | Traffic red | Rouge signalisation | Rojo tráfico | Rosso traffico | Verkeersrood |
RAL 3022 | Lachsrot | Salmon pink | Rouge saumon | Rojo salmón | Rosso salmone | Zalmrood |
RAL 3024 | Leuchtrot | Luminous red | Rouge brillant | Rojo brillante | Rosso brillante | Briljantrood |
RAL 3026 | Leuchthellrot | Luminous bright red | Rouge clair brillant | Rojo claro brillante | Rosso chiaro brillante | Briljant lichtrood |
RAL 3027 | Himbeerrot | Raspberry red | Rouge framboise | Rojo frambuesa | Rosso lampone | Framboosrood |
RAL 3028 | Reinrot | Pure red | Rouge puro | Rojo puro | Rosso puro | Zuiverrood |
RAL 3031 | Orientrot | Orient red | Rouge oriental | Rojo oriente | Rosso oriente | Oriëntrood |
RAL 3032 | Perlrubinrot | Pearl ruby red | Rouge rubis nacré | Rojo rubí perlado | Rosso rubino perlato | Parelmoer- donkerrood |
RAL 3033 | Perlrosa | Pearl pink | Rose nacré | Rosa perlado | Rosa perlato | Parelmoer- lichtrood |
RAL 4001 | Rotlila | Red lilac | Lilas rouge | Rojo lila | Lilla rossastro | Roodlila |
RAL 4002 | Rotviolett | Red violet | Violet rouge | Rojo violeta | Viola rossastro | Roodpaars |
RAL 4003 | Erikaviolett | Heather violet | Violet bruyère | Violeta érica | Viola erica | Heidepaars |
RAL 4004 | Bordeauxviolett | Claret violet | Violet bordeaux | Burdeos | Viola bordeaux | Bordeauxpaars |
RAL 4005 | Blaulila | Blue lilac | Lilas bleu | Lila azulado | Lilla bluastro | Blauwlila |
RAL 4006 | Verkehrspurpur | Traffic purple | Pourpre signalisation | Púrpurá tráfico | Porpora traffico | Verkeerspurper |
RAL 4007 | Purpurviolett | Purple violet | Violet pourpre | Violeta púrpura | Porpora violetto | Purperviolet |
RAL 4008 | Signalviolett | Signal violet | Violet de sécurité | Violeta señales | Violetto segnale | Signaalviolet |
RAL 4009 | Pastellviolett | Pastel violet | Violet pastel | Violeta pastel | Violetto pastello | Pastelviolet |
RAL 4010 | Telemagenta | Telemagenta | Telemagenta | Magenta tele | Tele Magenta | Telemagenta |
RAL 4011 | Perlviolett | Pearl violet | Violet nacré | Violeta perlado | Violetto perlato | Parelmoer- donkerviolet |
RAL 4012 | Perlbrombeer | Pearl black berry | Mûre nacré | Morado perlado | Mora perlato | Parelmoer- lichtviolet |
RAL 5000 | Violettblau | Violet blue | Bleu violet | Azul violeta | Blu violaceo | Paarsblauw |
RAL 5001 | Grünblau | Green blue | Bleu vert | Azul verdoso | Blu verdastro | Groenblauw |
RAL 5002 | Ultramarinblau | Ultramarine blue | Bleu outremer | Azul ultramar | Blu oltremare | Ultramarijnblauw |
RAL 5003 | Saphirblau | Saphire blue | Bleu saphir | Azul zafiro | Blu zaffiro | Saffierblauw |
RAL 5004 | Schwarzblau | Black blue | Bleu noir | Azul negruzco | Blu nerastro | Zwartblauw |
RAL 5005 | Signalblau | Signal blue | Bleu de sécurité | Azul señales | Blu segnale | Signaalblauw |
RAL 5007 | Brillantblau | Brillant blue | Bleu brillant | Azul brillante | Blu brillante | Briljantblauw |
RAL 5008 | Graublau | Grey blue | Bleu gris | Azul grisáceo | Blu grigiastro | Grijsblauw |
RAL 5009 | Azurblau | Azure blue | Bleu azur | Azul azur | Blu azzurro | Azuurblauw |
RAL 5010 | Enzianblau | Gentian blue | Bleu gentiane | Azul genciana | Blu genziana | Gentiaanblauw |