Aluminum two-pipe 1” diameter (25 mm) snow bar system that can be powder-coated to match your roof if desired. It goes well with practically any standing seam metal roof profiles.
For standing seam metal roofs Safe Roof Experts offers clamps. These clamps provide a broader base of attachment for extra holding strength as compared with other two-pipe systems.
Snow bar system is:
- Compatible with almost all metal roof types and profiles and is easily adjusted with Safe Roof Experts clamps or brackets
- Can be color-finished to match the roof
- One-inch diameter, two-pipe system
- Two anchor points per one Safe Roof Experts bracket. This reduces moment arm and adds strength
- Even distribution of snow load over the roof
- Protection against snow falling along the entire length of the roof
The maximum distance between the brackets of snow guards is 1.2 m.
Snow guards withstand a snow load of 500 kg/m (5 kN/m), each bracket can withstand a load of 300 kg (based on static tests according to Swedish standard SS 831367).
Snow retention system is installed above the load-bearing wall or higher. When installing snow retention close to the eaves, it is important to make sure that the structure can withstand the possible load.
The roof slope is 1:1,5 (~33°)
Installation of one row of snow guards, if the distance from the snow guard to the ridge does not exceed 6.8 m
If the roof slope is longer, a second row of snow guards is installed at the level of half the slope length, but not more than 6.8 m between the lines of snow retention system.
Snow guards are manufactured according to SS 831335: 2014 and are tested with a snow load of 5 kN/m
If the actual snow load on the roof exceeds the calculated values, you should additionally remove the excessive snow.